Our Leadership
By promoting awareness, challenging biases, and driving change, we will bridge the gap between marginalized communities and healthcare systems, ensuring that SGM individuals receive effective, equitable, and compassionate care.
Founders & Board of Directors
Advisory Board
Charles Kamen, MPH, PhD
Associate Professor of Surgery,
Psychiatry, and Public Health
at the University of Rochester
Medical Center
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Psychiatry, and Public Health
at the University of Rochester
Medical Center
Demetre Daskalakis,
MD, MPH (he/him)
Director of National Center for
Immunization and Respiratory
Diseases at Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC)
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Immunization and Respiratory
Diseases at Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC)
Jackie Kent (she/her)
Pharmaceutical development
and healthcare technology
executive, board director,
and trusted advisor
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and healthcare technology
executive, board director,
and trusted advisor